Bellanca Lorena: Phytopia USA | Slim Way Body Essential Oil- Weight loss the Natural way

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Phytopia USA | Slim Way Body Essential Oil- Weight loss the Natural way

What it is:
  I received this item for review in exchange for an HONEST REVIEW, as always opinions are my own. SlimWay Grapefruit Synergy is an oil that is meant to help you feel better about your body again  because it's meant to promote a healthy metabolism,help with weight loss, cleanse and tone the skin,  and help you be in a better mood. It's made with all-natural 100% organic and therapeutic grade ingredients, therefore, you can use it all over your body BUT it isn't meant to be ingested. I also think it isn't meant to be used in a diffuser. 

where to find : SlimWay Aesthetics Collection on Amazon

What it claims:
  It contains Grapefruit, which in turn can help your body maintain the proper metabolism, get rid of excess fat and water, curb your cravings to prevent unwanted weight gain and flab, cleanse and tone skin and even boost your mood. All you have to do is apply and rub ;)

What it did for me personally:
  I really wanted to try this because I do believe oils penetrate better into my skin and therefore work well and actually help change the body in combination with a good workout routine and diet. I've only used this product for ten days so there isn't much,in my opinion, that can actually be changed. I feel like these things take time, but for the sake of HAVING TO complete this review in a specific time-- I will say how it's worked for me so far. I've only seen a little bit of improvement in my skin texture (where I've applied the oil) but it hasn't actually curbed my annoying appetite! I honestly think it's something I have to work on mentally to curb my appetite. However, it's made my skin feel softer and more smooth, as well as, help me boost my mood. When I smell this oil, it really does make me feel all happy! 

How I used it:

  You should always do an allergy test. If you know you're allergic to any of the ingredients--OBVIOUSLY don't get it, but for those who don't normally get reactions or sometimes get reactions--just to be sure do a spot test before. To do this spot test just apply a small drop on the forearm before using. I would say most allergies show up instantly but I would wait a couple of hours just to be safe!

  So you're meant to apply 3-5ML and rub in circular motions on your palms and skin. It is a little bit thicker than most oils so it doesn't dry right away. After two days of using this I saw improvement on my arms and lower belly. After having my son, I had a lot of texture in certain areas and this has helped to make it appear smoother! 

  This has a shelf life of 3 years but I don't think it will last more than a couple of months because I've used a significant amount in just ten days. The bottle comes with 50 ML/1.69 fl. oz ! The smell is strong but I personally like it, the grapefruit scent really comes through ! I also like that the oil doesn't drip out, it's hard to take some out of it's glass container. I prefer that because if I'm on the go I wouldn't want an oil to be all over the inside of my purse!

I really am enjoying this oil and I hope to revisit this and offer more information on it when I'm completely done with it! I hope you ladies and gents would be interested in seeing an update in the future!

It's not meant to be used this way-actually I think it isn't recommended, but when I work out I apply a little extra and use this arm thinga-ma-jig (hahaha) to help me loose my STUBBORN arm fat! 

Video Review:


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