Bellanca Lorena: How to sleep better by using a Sleeping Mask

Thursday, October 13, 2016

How to sleep better by using a Sleeping Mask

I generally don't like to sleep with things on my head, mouth or face but I will say that this sleeping mask is so comfortable. What makes it different from other sleeping masks is the material and the face that it fits your face. The eyes don't feel squish because it's a little raised the part where the eye rests. Even though it's raised, sunlight doesn't come in through the mask. It's so comfortable I barely feel it when I sleep , so I don't remove it! What I do when I'm  having trouble sleeping it working out a couple hours before taking a shower and sniffing some Lavender essential oil to help calm me before wearing these and going to sleep blissfully. I would recommend this mask in a heart beat.

Where to find: Sleeping MAsk

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