Bellanca Lorena: Slim way Aesthetics collection Update

Monday, October 10, 2016

Slim way Aesthetics collection Update

The second oil I tried was SlimWay from the Aesthetics Collection. The idea behind the slimway blend is to aid in digestion, boost metabolism and suppress appetite. There is a mix of grapefruit, fennel and lemon oils just to name a few. 

This is the second bottle I received, for some reason I thought it was going to be different from the other bottle because they are now marketing it as a "Synergy" oil instead of an essential oil. When it's a synergy oil it means it's a combination or blend of different oils that are suppose to work together in order to satisfy a certain need, as opposed to an essential oil which is made up primarily of a specific type of oil. 

Like I've said before, it doesn't really curb my appetite but it does help me from time to time. It's not meant to be ingested but when I put this on my stomach, or anywhere on my body it helps me pee more! It also sometimes calms my anxiety when I want to eat but it doesn't always. I do like the smell of this blend. Like with everything you need to have a weightless regime and a workout regime for this item to work. If not you won't see results.

Where to find : SLimWay Synergy

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